What would Santa do to dodge debt this year?

I wonder if Santa is worried about paying the rent at the North Pole this year. Not to mention feeding all those elves and reindeers, while they are busy preparing to do their super-sonic flight around the globe in one night.

The Debtfix Crew have written to him and here’s their wish list for a debt-free Christmas.

  1. Free food

    Santa – could you do your bit to find free food for whānau?

    Maybe give people seeds to grow their own food and find some good advice for home-grown vegetables and free fertilizer. We’ve even heard about a cool food growing mission, Whenua Warrior, helping neighbours grow kai.

    It would be spectacular if you could encourage people with green fingers to share produce with community pātaka kai.

    Could you ask those who have some extra cash to donate to foodbanks?

  2. People power

    How’s your sleigh looking Santa?

    Maybe the elves could give you sleigh-wash vouchers to keep your magic flying machine sparkling right through until Christmas Eve next year. Surely, Mrs Claus would like elf-sitting vouchers so she can escape every now and then, knowing the little ones are safe and sound.

    The tamariki would love vouchers for a whole hour to spend with their favourite person. They can choose a simple place to hang out and the fun they’ll have.

  3. Free gigs

    Hey Santa – how about you give people a whole lot of tickets for free events? People can share time with others, feel part of the community and have a blast.

  4. Get baking

    It’s time to put your pinny on Santa and get cracking with some home baking for those tricky people who have seen a lot of Christmases. See if you can find some old recipes, like Mum used to make, and you’ll probably get invited for a cuppa.

  5. Sight and sound

    We know you Tik-Tok and Snapchat all your videos Santa, but could you make a memorable moment with your best, funniest and cutest clips? That would be a really cool gift. Load them onto YouTube with a private link or save them into the cloud so Mrs Claus and the elves can watch your masterpiece over and over.

    We know you’re a singing and dancing superstar too Santa, so why don’t you write a song for someone special. That sure will mean a lot to sweethearts on Christmas Day.

Santa - everyone will be much happier if you leave the credit card at home, and you come up with creative and thoughtful giving ideas.

Good on ya for thinking outside of the sack this year and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours in the North Pole.


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